Tag Archives: trade show banners

  • Effective Strategies for Collecting and Managing Trade Show Leads

    US trade shows are a massive $100 billion scene, pulling in over 80 million people every year. They are a golden opportunity to get your name out there and snag leads that could boost your business. Investing in lead generation is crucial, and knowing how to handle those trade show leads is a major advantage.

    How to Snag Leads and Boost Your Business

    1. Set Your Lead Generation Goals

    Before hitting up any trade show, it’s crucial to have a few key questions and goals in mind. What kind of leads are you aiming to catch? Knowing your destination makes the journey smoother. Next, figure out what information you need from those leads. It could be a phone number, email, or more detailed data. Even if it’s just a name, every bit of information helps.

    1. Get Tech-Savvy

    Stop using pen and paper to jot down people’s information at trade shows. It’s 2024! Lean into technology. Instead of wasting time typing notes back at the office, use a tablet, phone, or any system to capture leads directly. Automate whatever you can to keep things running smoothly.

    1. Standing Out at Your Trade Show

    You should let everyone know you’re the real deal. Make your booth pop with an excellent lead strategy. Think outside the booth! Set up eye-catching trade show displays, fun games, and interactive activities to draw people in. Show off your creative flair and watch the results roll in when you have the right strategy from day one.

    1. Drive Traffic to Your Space

    Make your booth the go-to spot. Attract attendees with competitions, exclusive offers, giveaways, or sneak peeks at new products. Most attendees at trade shows are hunting for free demos, so build that anticipation. Go the extra mile by inviting an industry expert to sign autographs or take photos. Plan this for peak times to maximize your impact. Make your booth the highlight of the event for every visitor with head-turning banner stands for trade shows and innovative digital trade show displays.

    Managing Your Trade Show Leads

    When the dust settles, it’s time to see if you hit your targets based on your original plans. It’s awesome if people say they loved your booth, but the important part is the numbers. How many leads did you get? Then, it’s time to put them to work! Sort and prioritize your leads based on interest levels. Timing is crucial; follow up right after the show while your brand is still fresh in their minds. The sooner you do this, the better your chances of closing those deals. Don’t wait too long, or those leads might go cold.

    Make Your Next Trade Show Unforgettable

    Capturing trade show leads isn’t easy, but it’s doable with the right game plan. With a solid strategy, it can be a blast! At Trade Show Display Pros, we have your back with our excellent trade show banners and trade show display stands. We have a vast selection, so you’ll find what you need to make your show a hit.

  • Utilize Trade Show Booth Floor Space: Strategies For Success

    A good booth will draw event attendees in with eye-catching trade show banners that have clear messages. And if the booth is laid out well, staff can work effectively, whether they’re educating visitors at workstations, talking up your products on comfy sofas, or giving demos on a stage. Basically, the key is in making your booth welcoming and effective. If you can do this, your booth is sure to be a winner!

    1. See How Big The Exhibition Center Is

    First, consider the size and layout of the exhibition center so you don’t end up wasting materials. Specifically, find out the length and width of the area, as well as the distance from the floor to the ceiling. With this information, you can determine whether or not the venue is ideal for your trade show presentation.

    If you realize you’re going to need a bigger or smaller booth, you can change things up before you spend too much money and effort on the design. Also, make sure attendees will be able to find bathrooms, food areas, and other important areas easily.

    2. Figure Out Where Entrances, Exits, And Other Important Spots Are

    When planning your exhibition space, you need to know where the main entrances and exits are. Also, you need to consider emergency exits when planning. Of course, your booth shouldn’t be obstructing an emergency exit. In fact, it should be near a main entrance—this way attendees see it right when they walk in!

    Also, make sure your tables have tabletop banners. When these are visible and attractive, passersby will be inclined to check out what you’re offering. Knowing where attendees will park is important too. If a visitor has to run out to their car to get something they forgot, they may stop at your booth when they come back in.

    3. Consider Problems That May Arise Because Of The Space

    After you’ve assessed the exhibition center’s layout, consider problems that might arise because of this. Are there obstructions that may block your booth from being seen? Where are the plugs for electricity? Are there enough plugs for all those who’ll be attending the event?

    Additionally, make sure you know the fire-safety rules to keep everyone safe. Also, you should designate certain team members to enforce fire-safety rules.

    4. Place Your Product Displays In The Best Spots

    Put your digital trade show displays in spots where they’ll be seen easily. Group similar products together, mix tall and short displays, and set up areas that show how your products can be used.

    Remember, there needs to be a reason for why something is where it is. Perhaps a banner is in the front to tell your brand's story, show off new stuff, or highlight a problem your product solves. But be careful not to have too many trade show displays—attendees may find this overwhelming. Think about what your customers want and how your products can help them. What are they interested in? What problems do they need to solve?

    Need Sturdy Trade Show Displays And Stands?

    For many businesses, trade exhibitions are very important. At these events, businesses can showcase what they’re offering to consumers who are looking to make purchases.

    For this reason, it's critical to have an eye-catching and neat trade show booth that complements your brand and makes positive first impressions. No matter how big or small your booth is, the size of the event space, or your budget constraints,

    Trade Show Display Pros is here to help! Check us out when you want to create a booth that’s sure to garner attention at any trade show!
  • How To Plan For A Successful Trade Show In 2024

    Trade shows are fantastic, especially when they’re filled with eye-catching banners and digital displays! A trade show is essentially a special space where companies can pitch to loads of interested customers who are seeking solutions! There aren't many places like trade shows, and that's why participating in trade shows is a crucial part of a company's marketing strategy. Studies have even suggested that 63% of companies find trade shows to be super valuable. However, if you don’t do some careful planning, your experience at a trade show might not be exciting or successful.

    Set Your Goals

    Figure out what you want to achieve. Goals are like the big picture—objectives make up your plan to get there. For trade shows, common goals include making people aware of your brand, getting leads, and building relationships. Once you know your goals, set objectives so you can reach them. This is important, as you’ll need your exhibit’s design to match your marketing goals.

    Plan Your Budget

    Decide how much money you can spend on your trade show exhibit. Look at your overall marketing budget and divide it into categories, such as engagement, design, show services, and travel. Prioritize spending based on what's most important, and think about what can give you the best return on investment (ROI).

    Design Your Exhibit

    A well-designed exhibit that has some striking popup trade show displays will attract event attendees and make your brand stand out. Also, keep your branding consistent across your materials. Everything on signs, graphics, and materials should be neat and uniform. And don’t forget to design your exhibit with lasting impressions in mind. If you make lasting impressions, your credibility with potential customers and partners goes way up.

    Pick The Right Event

    Choose a trade show that’ll help you reach your goals and audience, and make sure participating is affordable. Consider factors like event size, location, date, and reputation. Of course, compare the costs of participating in a show with the potential benefits.

    Create An Exciting Experience

    Make your brand memorable by giving booth attendees a hands-on and immersive experience. If people can engage with your brand in a positive way, you’ll be able to market your products and services better. The more positive interactions people have with your brand, the more likely they are to become loyal customers.

    Train Your Staff

    Make sure your booth’s staff knows about your brand, the products you sell, and their roles at the show. Well-trained staff can answer questions, promote your offering effectively, and connect with event attendees. And if you can generate more leads and sales, you’ll see a higher ROI.

    Promote Your Exhibit

    Before the event, promote your participation online. A strong promotional strategy increases brand awareness, attracts more people to your booth, and generates more leads. It’ll also help you stand out from the competition. People will want to know what your products and services are like before the event even begins.

    Get Ready For More Events

    Learn from this event so you can get ready for the next one. But the main thing is you have to figure out which trade shows you want to be a part of—then start planning your exhibit and marketing materials.

    At Trade Show Display Pros, we're experts at designing and making trade show displays. Reach out to us to learn about how our team of designers and marketing experts can help you create an experience that will impress everyone at your next trade show.

  • Future Flux: Top 7 Trade Show Booth Trends for 2024

    Welcome to the new era of trade shows! In the 21st century, these events have broken free from the confines of convention center walls. And 2024 brings with it a wave of inventive ideas and cutting-edge concepts that will redefine the landscape of booth design. Explore our expert ideas and predictions to gain valuable insights into the trade show booth trends of 2023 and a glimpse into what awaits in 2024.


    Adopting these trends will guarantee that your trade show displays and booth designs distinguish themselves, captivating your audience in unprecedented ways.


    1. Greenery and Living Walls

    At trade shows this year, it was common to see exhibits adorned with living or artificial greenery walls. The goal is to bring nature’s essence indoors, infusing booths with vitality and growth. This trade show booth trend of integrating greenery will evolve further in 2024, introducing new iterations that blend nature into exhibit designs creatively.


    2. Virtual Reality

    Why settle for attendees merely strolling by when they can virtually navigate a digital skyscraper? In 2024, VR takes the lead, transforming booths into bucket-list experiences. Forget about free pens; provide your visitors with a story they’ll share at every dinner party for the next year.


    3. Enchanting LED Tunnels

    Square and round LED tunnels have been stealing the show on trade show floors this year. The declining cost of LEDs has expanded the availability of rental kits, allowing for mesmerizing LED tunnels. Looking ahead to 2024, we anticipate a proliferation of these tunnels, captivating attendees with immersive and visually stunning digital trade show displays.


    4. Imaginative Holograms

    Hologram technology experienced an unprecedented surge this year. No longer confined to sci-fi movies, holograms are real and revolutionizing how businesses interact at trade shows. An innovative application is the “Hologram Slot Machine.” It offers a novel way to engage booth visitors by allowing them to “pull” a virtual lever for interactive displays related to the company’s products or services.


    5. 3D Content

    While 3D content has long graced iconic locations like Times Square, it’s now entering event spaces. Volumetric LEDs are increasingly popular for showcasing 3D logos and visual effects. As companies adopt this trend in their trade show exhibits, expect an added layer of depth and engagement.


    6. Channel Lit Logos

    A prevalent micro-trend involves the use of channel-lit logos and letters. Illuminated elements create a striking visual impact, surpassing traditional flat lettering on trade show banners. The question remains whether this trend will persist in the coming year, considering potential material costs and longer lead times, which may pose challenges for smaller companies.


    7. Bold and Eye-Catching Graphics

    Bold, eye-catching graphics have always been powerful tools in booth design, and in 2024, they continue to dominate. Vibrant colors, large-scale visuals, and captivating imagery instantly grab attention. Advances in printing technology enable the creation of high-resolution graphics that are stunning and impactful. Incorporate visually striking graphics aligned with your brand’s identity to make a visual statement that sets your booth apart.


    Turn Trends Into Triumph With Us

    Figuring out trends can be like solving a puzzle blindfolded. But we’ve got your back at Trade Show Display Pros. Let’s team up and give your booth a way to stand out using our excellent trade show display stands!

  • Effective Eco-Friendly Ideas to Elevate Sustainability at Trade Shows

    In today’s eco-conscious age, sustainability is essential in every aspect of business, especially in event planning. Trade shows are notorious for generating a lot of waste. But going green doesn’t have to be a daunting or costly task. It can be budget-friendly and save your business some cash. Here are some easy, eco-friendly trade show ideas and tips for exhibitors.

    Embrace Versatile Displays

    Investing in multi-use trade show displays for businesses attending multiple trade shows can be a game-changer. These can be easily set up, taken down, and transported to various events, significantly reducing waste. Designing booths for mindful reuse cuts the environmental impact and saves your business money.

    Choose Eco-Friendly Options

    When creating your exhibit, the choices you make can have a significant impact on the environment. It all begins with your selection of materials, such as adjustable and tension fabric trade show displays and bio-degradable lightweight hardware choices. You don’t have to go entirely green, but each environmentally-conscious decision you make benefits the planet. Consider using recycled materials, especially for components with a shorter lifespan. There are fantastic options for fabric graphics, like SustainaTex Ocean, made from 100% upcycled ocean plastic.

    Opt for Sustainable Flooring

    Flooring is a significant aspect of your trade show booth design. Your booth needs appealing flooring that matches the overall aesthetic of your brand. Fortunately, there’s a variety of eco-friendly flooring options to choose from:

    • Cork Flooring: Harvested from the bark of the cork oak tree, it grows back, making it a sustainable choice
    • Palm Wood: Sourced from non-productive palm trees in an ethical manner
    • Linoleum: Made from natural materials, including cork dust, oils, and wood flour
    • Glass Tiles: Crafted entirely from recycled glass and available in various stylish designs

    Integrate Environmentally-Friendly Lighting

    Attracting attendees to your booth requires effective lighting, but traditional solutions can be energy-intensive. Consider these eco-friendly lighting options:

    • LED Display Lighting: Energy-efficient, long-lasting, and eco-friendly
    • Halogen Light Bulbs: Efficient and durable, emitting a white light closer to natural sunlight
    • Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs: Energy-efficient and long-lasting, helping reduce the greenhouse effect

    Reuse and Recycle

    Avoid the “build-and-burn” model when possible. Reusable components can reduce waste and improve your bottom line. Our design team excels at upcycling assets to make them look brand new and creating booths that fit multiple footprints.

    Minimize Swag

    The era of excessive swag is waning. Many of these giveaways end up in landfills shortly after the event. Consider high-quality items for VIP guests or a giveaway model where visitors can enter to win.

    Opt for Sustainable Messaging

    Rather than handing out paper documents that often end up in the trash, explore alternative methods for delivering your message. In today’s tech-savvy world, you can provide digital alternatives that are delivered to attendees’ smartphones or computers, ensuring your message is both environmentally friendly and easily accessible.

    Choosing eco-friendly booth ideas isn’t just a fad; it’s a pledge to protect our environment and create a safer tomorrow. At Trade Show Displays, we lead the way with sustainability as our hallmark. We’re here to assist you in achieving this mission, no matter your booth size, event scale, or budget. Our extensive display options and trade show banners ensure you’ll find everything you need to make your show a triumph.

  • Discovering Excellence: Selecting the Ultimate Trade Show Exhibit Partner

    With all the creatively decked-out booths, you want yours to stand out and make an impression. However, grabbing an audience’s attention with trade show displays can be challenging. That’s where the part of your designing company comes in to turn your vision into a vibrant reality. Here are tips for finding the right one and stealing that center stage.

    The Starting Point: Google

    Do you need a specific approach to verify that the firm making out your trade show booth is reputable and dependable? Google them to find out more. Type their name into the search field and visit their My Business Page or website to discover all the details about what they provide, including testimonials from satisfied prior customers!

    Check Their Record

    Prior customers can give you insight into the experience you might anticipate if you use a company’s services to build your trade show booth. Check whether they’ve received any accolades or expert recognition for their work. Contact them and request referrals from former customers. Repeat business is one of the best measures of true client happiness. Excellent testimonials and references are wonderful, but a client returning time and time again for new designs is indisputable evidence of customer happiness.

    Observe in Person

    A great way to find top-notch trade show display designers is to go to trade exhibitions and other live events. Check out the many booths, looking for carefully crafted displays that draw you in and highlight the company’s goods and services. Ask the exhibitor for the name of the designer or manufacturer of the booth when you find the ones you like. You’ll have a name to add to your list of potential agencies, and they’ll be gratified that you like their display.

    Ask for Recommendations

    It’s a good idea to ask for recommendations from well-known associations in your field, friends, family, and other knowledgeable event marketers. Popular blogs, organizations, and trade journals are frequently regarded as reliable information sources because they don’t want to damage their reputation by making poor recommendations.

    Crafting Your Perfect Trade Show Booth Design

    When it comes to marketing, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. Your approach should be as unique as your business. That’s why trade shows are gems you can’t afford to miss. Your booth design isn’t just a backdrop. It’s your brand’s statement. It should show why you’re the perfect fit for your clients. That’s where Trade Show Display Pros steps in. We specialize in turning your booth into a showcase that stands out and stands for your excellence. Whether your booth is in a corner space or a grand stage, we’ve got you covered. We offer a range of trade show banners and trade show displays that fit your needs without breaking the bank. Don’t just exhibit, captivate.

  • 5 Reasons Why Your Small Business Can't Miss Trade Shows

    In this digital era, everyone thinks the key to successful marketing lies in how well you can use online platforms. And many say that trade shows are a thing of the past, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. At a trade show, you can take your business to the next level!

    I get it. You’re probably thinking: “But is it really worth it?” Well, fear not! We've got you covered. Just read on to learn all the reasons why attending trade shows can be a game-changer for your business.

    1. Link Up With Customers Face To Face

    The ability to meet customers in person is one of the main reasons why you should go to trade shows. With so much reliance on technology, people don’t communicate as much—but many wish this wasn’t the case. The undeniable truth is that many consumers still like to meet the people they do business with, even though they can get products online without doing this. In short, gaining trust makes sales.

    2. New Opportunities

    Reaching out to new clients is one of the best things about trade shows. You can meet individuals who are interested in your products and services, and you can get a lot of attention by using trade show displays effectively. You may even convince some people to make a purchase right away.

    3. Assess The Competition

    A trade show is one of the only places where you can see what your rivals are doin; you can even interact with them. Take what you learn from other businesses to improve your own operations. It's possible that some of them are providing services you can provide as well. Essentially, you should use a trade show to improve your business so it can compete with other brands.

    4. Networking

    Trade shows are fantastic networking events for both small and large businesses. Here, you can interact with people who’ve never seen your products before, and you can also make industry contacts. Get the word out there that your business is looking for ways to add value to other businesses. You may even meet a business that’ll help you cut costs, speed up deliveries, etc.

    5. Receive Feedback Immediately

    Visitors at trade shows will give you feedback immediately. And you don’t have to worry about sugarcoating—they’ll be honest. You can also answer any questions people have. Just make sure you encourage open communication in advance. And always be receptive to criticism—don’t lash out on someone because they have the courage to tell you how they feel.

    Final Thoughts

    In the end, if you want to ensure your small business does well at an upcoming trade show, you need to start preparing now. Tell your customers about it and get everything in line. And of course, you’ll need all sorts of high-quality trade show displays and banner stands.

    That’s exactly what we sell at Trade Show Display Pros. Our state-of-the-art trade show display stands and cutting-edge trade show banners will propel your small business to the next level, and you won’t have to spend an arm and a leg. Check us out to learn more!

  • Guide To Making Trade Show Exhibiting A Success

    At trade shows, brands build relationships with prospective clients and market their products and services. And most trade show visitors remember the brands they interact with, so much so that they give them their business afterwards.

    But if you want your trade show exhibit to be memorable, there are some important things you must do. For one, you must invest in high-quality trade show display stands.

    There’s plenty more you can do, and that’s what we discuss throughout the sections below!

    Do Your Research

    You should know the makeup of the audience you’ll be marketing to at the trade show. This way you can gear your marketing toward them. For example, if you’re marketing at a farming and agriculture trade show, you should make it clear that your products and services are beneficial to those in the agriculture industry.


    You need to make sure your digital trade show displays stand out from the crowd. Also, they need to engage trade show attendees. Give trade show attendees a good reason to come check out your booth, and ensure the display clearly identifies the location of your booth.


    You need to be able to adapt. So if something changes at the last minute, you need to make sure your displays account for the change. Say, for example, the organizers of a trade show say outdoor exhibiting can be done at the last minute. If your brand would be better suited for this environment, adjust your displays accordingly.


    You need to engage with booth visitors, otherwise they’ll go elsewhere to have a good time. When visitors enter your booth, greet them and ask them how they’re doing. Afterward, ask them if they’d like to try your products. You could also offer some swag. Ask if they saw your display, and make sure they know what you’re offering.

    Strive For Excellent Customer Service

    At a trade show, customer service is key. You need to make sure your booth is staffed with trained professionals who can teach visitors about your products and services in a short window of time. But set some ground rules, otherwise the staff won’t achieve good results.

    Why Trade Show Display Pros Is Best

    Looking to leave a lasting impression at your next trade show? Check out Trade Show Display Pros. We design all kinds of high-quality, unique trade show banners, and these will drive more traffic to your booth and help you convert leads into sales.

    We'll work with you every step of the way to ensure you get a 100% customized banner that gets all your marketing messages across. So why settle for anything less, you know? To find out more about our services, or to get a quote for an upcoming project, contact us immediately! We can’t wait to hear from you!

  • How to Use Outdoor Banners and Signage to Build Brand Awareness

    As an entrepreneur, one of the most crucial challenges you face in your business is to build brand awareness. Brand awareness is vital for companies of all sizes. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a small mom-and-pop establishment or a multinational conglomerate; brand awareness is critical. Brand recognition helps big companies thrive while it helps small companies grow.

    Brand awareness is the ability of a brand to be recognizable and ultimately remembered when a customer requires a specific product or service. Today, most business owners focus solely on digital advertising. However, studies reveal that a mix of digital and print advertising is essential for building brand awareness. Even today, print marketing is one of the most important marketing channels to enhance brand recognition.

    Print Marketing in the Digital Era

    Even though most business owners focus on digital, print advertising still plays a key role in marketing. Recent research numbers reveal that it is even more important than we assume. The latest research from Marketing Sherpa[1]estimates that:

    • 82% of survey respondents state that they like print ads seen in magazines, newspapers, etc.
    • 76% said they prefer brochures, catalogs, and flyers
    • 69% choose outdoor billboards, posters, and banner stands

    As you can see, one of the best and budget-friendly ways to boost brand awareness in your community is by using custom trade show banners and displays in areas that see plenty of foot traffic, like trade shows and other community events.

    Tips to Boost Brand Awareness Using Banners and Posters

    1. Keep It Consistent

    Ensure that your fabric banner stands, retractable banners, and other advertising material you use are consistent with the overall brand image. The colors, fonts, logo, and messaging on your banners should reflect the overall brand image you wish to project.

    1. Keep It Simple

    When it comes to the messages you use on your banners, simple should be your mantra. Using simple, easy-to-read statements is the best way to get your point across. Remember that your audience will walk or drive while reading your banner. So, keep it short, simple, and to the point to get your message across.

    1. Choose the Right Banner Type

    Outdoor signs and banners are available in a variety of materials and styles. Choosing a suitable banner plays a crucial role in determining the effectiveness of your message. For example, you can use tabletop banner stands at your trade show stall. However, if you’re displaying your brand message at a large outdoor event like a music concert or a baseball game, you can select large vinyl banners.

    Besides the type of banner, you also have to focus on the banner material. There are several materials like vinyl, mesh, and fabric that you can choose from, depending on the location and banner type.

    Final Thoughts

    The proper outdoor signage can help you create a cohesive brand image and improve brand awareness. Use these tips to find the perfect outdoor advertising banners for your business, and enhance brand recognition.

  • Popular Types of Trade Show Displays

    Trade shows include intense competition as businesses try to outdo each other with flashy trade show displays and creative marketing ideas. You aren’t just trying to find the best buyers but also scoping out competitors and looking for industry trends. Irrespective of the multitudes of display types, there are some that remain popular. Here are a few classic trade show display options that are unlikely to go out of fashion:

    Banner Stands

    Banner stands are a popular choice for trade show displays of all sizes. They are easy to set up and take down, and they are relatively inexpensive. They also transport well; you can pop them inside their protective cases and carry them on a bus, train, or other public transport. They are versatile and can be used as standalone displays or combined with other banner stands to create an impressive back wall display. They’re available in a wide range of styles and sizes including portable banner stands which are lightweight, have few moving parts, and cost less. Retractable banner stands have a roller mechanism, making them easy to set up and take down.

    Exhibit Truss Systems

    Truss systems are just one step short of a completely customizable exhibit. A typical truss system includes several truss parts and back wall pieces. Although they look impressive, they can be set up quickly and without the need for sophisticated tools. They are durable, highly functional, and easy to maintain. Most truss exhibits are designed in a way that visitors can get a 360-degree view of the booth. At Trade Show Display Pros, we offer truss kits that are structurally engineered to be stable and safe. Plus, you can choose to build pre-designed shapes or request a customized configuration.

    Multimedia Displays

    Multimedia displays are perfect for drawing traffic into the booth and capturing audience attention. For example, iPad displays can be used as a presentation station, an interactive kiosk, or an information display stand. With interactive multimedia displays, it is easy to engage potential customers and inform them about your products and services while you are busy with other attendees. They can be great for getting information to potential customers in an engaging and clear way.

    Do you need help choosing trade show displays that are right for your business? Call us!

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