Tag Archives: pop up banner

  • Effective Pop-Up Trade Show Displays: How They’ll Strengthen Your Brand

    Are you having a hard time standing out at trade shows? Do you think your brand is getting lost in a sea of booths? Now is the perfect time to experiment with pop-up trade show displays! These displays are sure to draw attention to your booth, whether you’re participating in a large, national exhibition or a small neighborhood gathering.

    In short, if you use these displays effectively, you’re sure to see a huge increase in leads!

    What Is A Pop-Up Display?

    It's a lightweight, easy-to-move display that comes in many shapes and sizes. Also, these displays come with special cases that have wheels, so you can take them anywhere. Usually they’re pretty affordable, even though they have metal frames and high-quality fabric banners.

    Plus, you can add lights to make them more appealing. And setting up furniture around them? Definitely a good idea! Moreover, they’re easy to set up and take down, and you can ship them just like you would a regular package.

    Can A Pop-Up Display Make My Booth More Noticeable?

    Take a pop-up tabletop display, for example. These are eye-catching because they have vibrant graphics. Also, they’re flexible and easy to customize. Just pick a size and design that’s great for your brand. Your banner will have no trouble standing out.

    These innovative trade show displays have strong aluminum frames so everything stays in place. Plus, the edges can be straight, curved, or bent to make a particular shape. In short, if you want something that’s going to cut through the clutter and bring a lot of people to your booth, a professionally designed pop-up display should be your go-to solution.

    Why Are Pop-Up Displays So Affordable?

    Pop-up displays are great when you want to save money. First off, they're much cheaper than big, elaborate displays. And since they're light and compact, you can ship them with regular carriers and avoid expensive freight companies. Don’t want to ship them? Just bring your pop-up trade show displays with you.

    You can set them up on your own, so you won’t need to pay somebody to do this for you. And when a display looks worn-out, just swap out the graphics—it’s easy to do!

    The fact that they’re so affordable is one of the main reasons why pop-up displays are preferred by all kinds of businesses. Of course, you’ll need to use other tools with them to make your booth a success. The bottom line is: if you use pop-up displays right, your booth will definitely generate a ton of leads!

    Have More questions?

    Pop-up displays are simple, versatile, and budget-friendly. And, of course, you can customize them as you see fit. If you're thinking about using one at your next trade show, or if you have questions about them, just reach out to Trade Show Display Pros. We’re a reputable pop-up banner manufacturer, and we’ll be glad to answer any questions you have.

  • Advantages Of Using Retractable Banner Stands For Events & Trade Shows

    Displaying eye-catching signage and memorable banners at your next trade show will ensure you stand out from the competition. And if you stand out, your exhibit is likely to get a lot of attention. And to display banners and signage, use retractable banner stands. A go-to marketing tool for decades, retractable banners are great for businesses that want to showcase their products and attract attention at all kinds of events, but mainly trade shows and conferences.

    Here are some of the top benefits associated with using retractable banner stands at these events:

    Effortless Use

    Retractable banner stands are easy to set up and take down; all you have to do is pull the banner down like you’d do with a window shade and then fasten it to the support pole. In fact, one person can easily complete setup and takedown without any problems. This way you you can concentrate your time and resources on aspects of the event that are more crucial.

    Affordable Option

    Businesses that need inexpensive but compelling marketing tools often use retractable banners. Retractable banners are affordable yet high-quality, which means you can have multiple at your booth and really make a lasting impact on event attendees, especially if the images and graphics are fresh and eye-catching.

    Make Your Business Look More Professional

    If you use high-quality retractable banners that feature fabulous designs, your business will look more professional. Retractable banners that are expertly designed can convey your message better than standard banners which have a lot of writing on them and often come across as boring. You can successfully promote your business and reach your target audience if you use retractable banners that are unique and memorable.


    Retractable flag stands are built with solid, long-lasting materials, which means they’re break-resistant and able to endure even the most unpleasant conditions.


    Transporting these banner stands is easy. The graphic retracts into the stand’s base, and it can fit in the trunk of your car after being folded and packed away inside the travel box.


    These are some of the main advantages that come with using retractable banners at a range of events. In short, a retractable banner may be the perfect solution for your company if it needs a marketing display that’s reliable, easy to erect, and capable of meeting all your marketing goals.

    Check out our retractable banner design service if you're thinking about bringing a professional retractable banner to the next trade show you’re participating in. We have fabric trade show displays, pop-up banners, tabletop banners, and much more. Truly, there’s something for everyone. The bottom line is this: If you want a high-quality banner that’s eye-catching and built to last, reach out to us!

  • Top Reasons Why Trade Shows Are Important For Businesses

    Even though technology has advanced to the point where now virtual marketing is the most sought-after method of promoting businesses, trade shows are still considered significant by many business owners. Many professionals see trade shows as platforms that put them in direct contact with their potential customers. And others believe that a pop-up banner can do a lot more than an Instagram post. Here are some reasons why trade shows are still crucial for businesses:

    Direct Contact With Potential Customers

    At trade shows, businesses can meet with potential customers face to face. Yes, conducting virtual interactions with target audiences is easier now, but in-person engagements are still incredibly valuable for those who are pushing products and services.

    At a trade show, you have a platform to show potential customers your products, and you can answer whatever questions they have. If you convey your passion well and demonstrate that what you’re offering can help them, marketing at a trade show is likely to be a successful endeavor.


    Also at trade shows, you can observe your competition and network with others in your industry. You can exchange ideas, give and get feedback, and form new business relationships. Reaching out to competitors can also be beneficial, as friendly competition and exchanging of ideas can lead to both yours and their business doing well. Many business owners use this platform to enter into partnerships.

    Expands Customer Base

    At a trade show, you can use items like digital trade show displays, custom banners, and floor graphics to get the attention of visitors. A trade show will also present an opportunity for you to showcase your brand to those who haven’t heard about it. With good booth displays, you can expand your customer base, as they’ll help with converting on-lookers into patrons.

    Instant Feedback

    Getting instant feedback is not just gratifying but helpful; with this you can understand your customer base better. At trade shows, you can demonstrate your products, distribute samples to visitors, and receive instant feedback. You can then analyze the feedback to see what’s liked and not liked about your products and services. Customers love when their feedback is taken seriously, and at a trade show you can demonstrate that you care about feedback.

    Enhances Brand Awareness

    Trade shows are great marketing events where you can promote your brand. And if you promote your brand effectively, trade show visitors will go home thinking about it. Your number-one goal at a trade show should be branding; more people should leave knowing about your brand.

    Increases Sales

    Many businesses report a surge in sales after exhibiting their products and services at a trade show. That’s because at a trade show you have an opportunity to impress an audience with your products, and if you successfully forge a connection with them, they are sure to try them out.

    If you’re looking for premium trade show displays that’ll promote your brand, get in touch with us to get these at affordable prices.
  • What You Can Expect From Virtual Trade Shows

    Just like many other things, trade shows and exhibitions have gone digital, in large part because the Covid pandemic necessitated this. If you’ve never heard of a virtual trade show before—and you’re looking to benefit from participating in one—read on!

    What Is A Virtual Trade Show?

    Virtual trade shows are a lot like traditional in-person trade shows; the main, obvious difference is that virtual trade shows are held online. At virtual trade shows, attendees can interact with companies and brand representatives, and this is what attendees would be doing at a regular trade show.

    Benefits Of Virtual Trade Shows

    The biggest benefit of a virtual trade show is that individuals from around the world can connect at one of these. Brands that are looking for maximum exposure are participating in virtual trade shows now because they understand how many individuals can be reached at these events. After all, a participant just needs good internet connection. Here are some more reasons why brands love virtual trade shows:

    • Reach A Wider Audience: Virtual exhibition crowds are 8x to 10x larger than the crowds you’ll see at real world trade shows. You can put your brand in front of a larger audience for a low cost. And no travel is required, which is a huge perk in the post Covid-19 era.
    • Increase Brand Visibility For A Low Cost: If you ask any trade show veteran, they will tell you that location matters at a trade show. Your booth needs to occupy prime real estate if you want to pull in a big crowd. But at a virtual trade show, you can maximize brand exposure without needing prime real estate. You can link trade show attendees to your site, and you can also display your most popular products and services easily.
    • Engage With Interested Trade Show Attendees: Just like at a regular trade show, you can connect and engage with interested attendees at a virtual trade show. You can even make interactions totally personal by setting up one-on-one video conferences with prospective clients.
    • Capture And Convert Leads: At a virtual trade show, you can use a variety of strategies to capture leads. You can engage with each attendee and seamlessly guide them through the sales funnel.

    Make Your Brand Stand Out At A Virtual Trade Show

    In the end, a virtual trade show is still a trade show. Therefore, all the rules of regular trade shows apply here as well. Here are a few tips you can use to make your booth stand out at a virtual event:

    • Consistent Branding: Just like you would decorate a traditional trade show booth with trade show display stands, you need to brand your virtual booth as well. Use a tabletop pull-up banner or a pop-up banner to display your branding message, logos, and other information.
    • Have Clear Audio & Video: Make sure that your camera and mic are working correctly. Do a trial run before the event to ensure that you're audible and coming across clear to the audience.
    • Share Virtual Pamphlets: You would pass out pamphlets and leaflets to audience members at an in-person event, so you should do the same here. The only difference is that there won’t be any paper—everything is digital, of course.
    • Practice Your Pitch: Prepare a short 30-second pitch. It should introduce your brand and your product/services. Practice the pitch ahead of time so you don't stumble during the livestream.
    • Send Complimentary Swag To Attendees: For that extra touch, you can send attendees a real gift. Ask them to fill out a form with their contact details so you can send them free swag like t-shirts, journals, or desk organizers.

    Since the world is moving online, it's no surprise that trade shows have gone virtual. Use these tips to make the most of your next virtual trade show.

  • Why Do Portable Trade Show Displays Make Sense

    Are you planning for an upcoming trade show or exhibition? Business owners often find themselves unable to choose between large and expensive displays, like the Truss System and exhibit islands, and smaller portable displays. Some of the benefits associated with choosing the latter include:

    Portable Displays Are Straightforward

    Portable banner stands are easy to set up and take down, and they’re also flexible and versatile. And since they don’t have a lot of moving parts, they tend to be lightweight and therefore very popular. Additionally, transporting these stands is easy, so they’re great for exhibitions and trade shows. X banner stands, for example, are preferred for product launches and retail showrooms; they are lightweight, compact, and very appealing.

    Portable displays are also perfect for businesses that are short on staff, for a single staff member can set up, arrange, or dismantle these displays quickly and without assistance.


    Unlike customized exhibit islands that can set you back a few thousand dollars, portable displays are inexpensive. A typical 24-inch portable banner stand costs around $70, or even less if you buy in bulk. But the benefits don’t just stop at price. Portable banners tend to be lighter and more resilient than most banners. And when you purchase high-quality portable banners online, you can save on shipping costs by buying in bulk. Get a product that you can get several good years of use out of!

    Easily Updatable

    As it was said earlier, portable displays are durable, so you can revise and update the banners—depending on the product or service you’re promoting—without ever having to worry about the banner being compromised. If you want, you can have a different display for every exhibition. And at Trade Show Display Pros, we sell great replacement banners for unbeatable prices.

    If you’re looking for portable displays at affordable prices or you’d like to know more about banner stands that may match both your requirements and budget, visit our website!

  • Small Things That Matter Most at Trade Shows

    The costs associated with trade shows may seem daunting to both small- and medium-size businesses. But when matched with an excellent marketing, a great PR strategy, and high-quality trade show displays, it’s easy to generate a good return on investment. But a grand booth design and jazzy displays don’t always ensure success. Below we list a few small things that’ll require attention:

    Manners Matter

    It’s important to set guidelines for staff to follow. When faced with an unfamiliar situation, staff members can reference these guidelines to know how to proceed. Besides, good manners are key to making good impressions. Make sure everyone in the booth is knowledgeable about the company, its goals, and the products/services they provide. Staff members must be proactive, willing to help, and approachable.

    Restrict social media use, texting, Internet browsing, talking on the phone, etc. All staff members should be dressed professionally, and bad posture like slouching and leaning on walls must be discouraged.

    Establish Clear Goals Before the Event

    Are you launching a product or service at a trade show? Do you aim to network with fellow industry professionals at an event? Will you be focusing on identifying qualified leads? If you understand your goals, it will be easier to both employ qualified staff and customize your training programs accordingly. For example, if your focus is on identifying qualified leads, you should encourage staff members to gather as much information as possible in a short amount of time, that way visitor potential can be adequately assessed; you could also prepare careful questions that staff members could use for guidance. And remember that individual-specific data is so much more valuable than bulk data.

    Invest in the Right Trade Show Displays

    You don’t have to go the whole nine yards and buy expensive trade show displays. Instead, choose accessories that will make your booth stand out. Affordable, customized table covers, for example, display your logo and brand name and they’re great for attracting customers. Also, eye-catching retractable banners or innovative product displays could encourage visitors to stop and learn about your company.

    If you’re planning for an upcoming event or exhibition, visit our website! We can help you find great trade show displays that won’t break your budget!

  • 4 Banners That Can Seamlessly Fit into Your Marketing Campaign

    Banners are great for grabbing customer attention. They are inexpensive, easy-to-use, and they can be customized to fit your needs. But did you know trade show displays aren’t only great for trade shows and exhibitions? They can even be used by small business owners to advertise products and services!

    Choosing the right banner is important; you want to make a positive impact, after all. At Trade Show Display Pros, we’ve been educating our customers on the different banner stand types for years. If you’re a small- or medium-sized business looking for promotion ideas, read on!

    X Banner Stands:

    X banner stands are very useful for advertising products and services at restaurants and retail stores. An X banner stand’s unique design makes them lightweight and inexpensive, making these banner stands great for grabbing attention on a budget. X banner stands are especially useful if you need stands in multiple locations for a product launch or for business with multiple sales people who need to use the displays in different locations at the same time. They are easy to set up and take down, and when maintained well they last for a very long time.

    Retractable Banner Stands:

    retractable banner stand is called so because the banner graphic is stored in the stand base after every use. Unlike an X banner stand, a retractable banner stand will not be knocked down easily. These banners are also easy to set up and carry. Use retractable banner stands to advertise giveaways or promotions, and they’re also great for highlighting a product you recently introduced. You can make your banner message attractive by playing with colors and appealing texts.

    Outdoor Banner Stands:

    If you want a display that can be used in any environment outdoor banner stands are your best bet. They are great for improving branding and they’ll get your messages across to large audiences at outdoor events, concerts, fairs, sporting events and exhibitions. They come in a wide range of sizes up to 10' wide so there's sure to be a model to fit any need.

    Pop-up Fabric Banners:

    Pop-up fabric banners are great! Assembling them and taking them down is easy too—all you have to do is expand the stand up and you’re ready to go because the fabric graphic stays attached. These stands are also extremely durable, making them great for transport. You don’t need a lot of space to use a pop-up fabric banner because they come in a wide range of sizes to fit whatever space you have available. In short, pop-up fabric banners can be used to hold great visuals and draw customers to your store.

    If you need help choosing banner stands, call us now for more information.

  • 3 Common Banner Stand Questions Answered

    Planning a successful trade show or exhibition begins with assembling the right trade show displays. But how do you decide which banner stands are right for your booth? How much should you spend? How does one banner stand differ from another? There are so many questions!

    At Trade Show Display Pros, we help our customers understand the world of trade show displays so they can select products that are right for them. Below are answers to three common questions individuals usually ask about banner stands.

    #1 – Are banner stands only ideal for trade shows and exhibitions?

    Of course not! Banner stands are perfect for advertising and they can be used anywhere! For example, you can use them at crowded places to guide traffic towards different areas. They can also be placed outside busy restaurants to display menus or any offers. You can place them on highways or at drive-throughs to promote giveaways or offers. You can also place them outside conference halls to welcome visitors and display information. Retractable banners are used at airports, shopping malls, sporting events, and other heavy-traffic areas to grab attention.

    #2 – Are retractable banner stands better than non-retractable banner stands?

    A retractable banner stand is called so because it retracts into a stand base after each use. On these stands, the banner graphics are wound around rollers so they stay protected during storage. Retractable banner stands are perfect for trade shows and exhibitions, because they are so quick and easy to set up and take down. They're great for uses other than conferences, trade shows, and events, but there are other options as well when the stand doesn't need to be set up and taken down frequently.

    Non-retractable banner stands are the models without retraction mechanisms, so banner graphics have to be attached and removed every time you use these stands. Portable banner stands are lightweight and transportable and have very few, to no, moving parts, so they tend to be very reliable. They are also inexpensive and great for large scale deployments of advertising to multiple locations such as store, showrooms and company lobbies.

    #3 – What’s the difference between indoor banner stands and outdoor banner stands?

    As their name suggests, indoor banner stands are meant for indoor use; in other words, they’re not designed to withstand the elements. Banner stands that are for indoor use can easily break or blow over if used outdoors, and the banner options for indoor use will typically be different than outdoor options, which would require greater tear strength to hold up in windy conditions. An outdoor banner stand is designed to hold up in wind, usually with some kind of weighted base, and some have springs that allow the graphic to flex in the wind. The banners for these stands are often more resilient than the materials used for indoor banners, so they don't tear easily in the wind. Be sure to check the wind rating for an outdoor stand to make sure it will hold in the environment where you plan to use it, and always take the banner down if winds exceed the rating for the display to prevent damage.

    Are you having trouble choosing the right banner stand? Call us now to discuss your requirements—we’ll suggest a banner stand that’s right for you!

  • How to Build Brand Awareness through Trade Shows

    Branding is an essential aspect of marketing, and trade shows are an ideal place to establish your brand name. The challenge lies in looking for ways to establish positive connotations within the target market in a simple but memorable manner. Here are some tips on creating a buzz around your business that can lead to more customers.

    Making Brand Awareness an Essential Part of the Exhibit

    Exhibitions can be a powerful extension of a firm’s advertising and public relations as well as enhance brand awareness. Ensure your marketing and promotional materials around the booth, like retractable banners, are consistent and have the same logo, typeface, colors, and characters. People’s perception of a brand is subjective to personal experience, and this can be established by consistently emphasizing its qualities through several exhibits of different types.

    3-Dimensional Exhibits

    Create an impactful message on all sides of your booth especially for exhibits located in a central area that can be viewed from all sides. Having a 3-D display allows you to get the maximum traffic and impact for your brand. You can then convey the product’s personality and the company’s logo to everyone who passes by. Exhibits that keep changing shape or colors and are visible from a long distance are most likely to grab viewers’ attention.

    Bring Brand Ambassadors

    Get your most vocal employees to exhibit your brand and discuss its features with potential customers. Employees that talk about products and services in an engaging manner through Q & A sessions and games act as brand experts and have the ability to create a positive and lasting impression on the visitors.

    Trade shows are a great way to reach out to key audiences outside your immediate local area specifically if the product is for a competitive industry or for a new vertical that is outside your comfort zone. They can help to connect with a new group of potential buyers and expand the market, making your business more successful.

  • Common Trade Show Mistakes that Every Sales Associate Makes with Displays

    Trade shows provide a perfect opportunity for companies looking to connect with customers directly and create a positive impact on them. With the right touches to your booth design and displays, you can enhance the overall appearance of the booth and also emphasize the power of your brand. There are many ways to customize trade show displays with appropriate colors, designs, and content, but sometimes a lack of focus or excess enthusiasm in trying to push the brand leads to errors that may destroy changes of getting new customers. Here are some common errors with displays to avoid when attending trade shows.

    Too Much Content

    Banners and posters are commonly used for displaying the brand and connecting with customers. To create an impact with these displays, the text has to be easily readable and should convey the message within seconds. However, sometimes the temptation to explain products and their qualities is so acute that marketers fill every inch of the display with descriptions. This can make the displays hard to read and overwhelming, making them less effective than a simpler design.

    Missing Social Media Details

    Every firm in the market today has social media handles to connect directly with customers online. Display these details using fabric trade show displays around the stall or in different locations around the exhibition to promote the brand’s social media handles. This allows customers and potential customers the ability to stay in touch and see promotional material. These different modes of communication help firms to show their commitment towards the quality of their products and services, so never avoid miss out showing your social media side.

    Going Overboard with Creativity

    Enthusiasm and creativity are great, but sometimes the saying “less is more” holds true for trade show displays. Keeping the display region free of excessive and lengthy content is just as important as keeping it free of unnecessary artwork. Make the designs attractive, attention-grabbing, and smart so it conveys brand image succinctly. Outshine your competitors with bold colors and readable typeface from a short distance to get the most from a trade show.

    Use trade show display items like retractable banners and popup banners effectively by avoiding the above errors.

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