Tag Archives: digital trade show displays

  • Top Benefits Of Using Custom Trade Show Displays

    Custom trade show displays are personalized to meet a brand’s special requirements, and these effectively convey a message if constructed properly. Among all the displays used at trade shows—like pop-up banners, digital displays, graphic displays, etc.—custom trade show displays are the most beneficial, as they help a brand create a visible identity. Discussed here are some of the other top benefits associated with using custom trade show displays.

    Represents Your Brand

    A custom trade show display will represent your brand well and convey a meaningful message. It’ll help people identify your brand, thereby enhancing brand awareness. They’ll give your business a unique identity, and they help with creating great first impressions. In short, they help businesses convert booth visitors into customers.

    Attracts Attention

    Custom trade show displays attract the attention of visitors. If you have designed the display right, then the target audience will flock to your trade show booth in no time. They will be interested to know more about your products and services, and they’ll eagerly try some of the samples on display. Once they’re at your booth, you can have one-on-one interactions to boost conversions.

    Enhances ROI

    Return on Investment (ROI) is something that every business owner seeks from trade shows and exhibitions. Custom trade show displays are cost-effective, as they can be used at multiple events. And since they hold up well, they’re a long-term investment. Moreover, they help with sales generation, so they can bring more revenue to a business.

    Helps You Stand Out

    Custom trade show displays help you stand out from the crowd. You can easily beat your competition with unique digital trade show displays. If your booth is impressive, many visitors will prefer visiting your booth over visiting the others; therein lies your first success. These displays will increase your brand's visibility and leave lasting impressions on the minds of potential customers, which will then translate into sales.

    Helps Forge Personal Connections

    Forging a unique identity for your brand goes a long way in business development. Custom trade show displays help develop personal connections with potential customers. They create more brand awareness, and once the visitors become aware of your brand, the displays make your business more approachable. They also help with building trust, as after a potential customer connects with your brand, they will feel confident making a purchase. And the more brand awareness you generate, the stronger your business’scredibility will be.

    Are you looking for the best customized trade show displays and accessories? Contact Trade Show Display Pros to order premium banners now!

  • Top Reasons Why Trade Shows Are Important For Businesses

    Even though technology has advanced to the point where now virtual marketing is the most sought-after method of promoting businesses, trade shows are still considered significant by many business owners. Many professionals see trade shows as platforms that put them in direct contact with their potential customers. And others believe that a pop-up banner can do a lot more than an Instagram post. Here are some reasons why trade shows are still crucial for businesses:

    Direct Contact With Potential Customers

    At trade shows, businesses can meet with potential customers face to face. Yes, conducting virtual interactions with target audiences is easier now, but in-person engagements are still incredibly valuable for those who are pushing products and services.

    At a trade show, you have a platform to show potential customers your products, and you can answer whatever questions they have. If you convey your passion well and demonstrate that what you’re offering can help them, marketing at a trade show is likely to be a successful endeavor.


    Also at trade shows, you can observe your competition and network with others in your industry. You can exchange ideas, give and get feedback, and form new business relationships. Reaching out to competitors can also be beneficial, as friendly competition and exchanging of ideas can lead to both yours and their business doing well. Many business owners use this platform to enter into partnerships.

    Expands Customer Base

    At a trade show, you can use items like digital trade show displays, custom banners, and floor graphics to get the attention of visitors. A trade show will also present an opportunity for you to showcase your brand to those who haven’t heard about it. With good booth displays, you can expand your customer base, as they’ll help with converting on-lookers into patrons.

    Instant Feedback

    Getting instant feedback is not just gratifying but helpful; with this you can understand your customer base better. At trade shows, you can demonstrate your products, distribute samples to visitors, and receive instant feedback. You can then analyze the feedback to see what’s liked and not liked about your products and services. Customers love when their feedback is taken seriously, and at a trade show you can demonstrate that you care about feedback.

    Enhances Brand Awareness

    Trade shows are great marketing events where you can promote your brand. And if you promote your brand effectively, trade show visitors will go home thinking about it. Your number-one goal at a trade show should be branding; more people should leave knowing about your brand.

    Increases Sales

    Many businesses report a surge in sales after exhibiting their products and services at a trade show. That’s because at a trade show you have an opportunity to impress an audience with your products, and if you successfully forge a connection with them, they are sure to try them out.

    If you’re looking for premium trade show displays that’ll promote your brand, get in touch with us to get these at affordable prices.
  • 4 Creative Types Of Videos To Use At Your Next Trade Show

    Heading to a trade show this summer? We're glad to report that the trade show scene is back with a bang and now attracting pre-2020 level crowds. With masks and social distancing measures out of the way, trade shows are drawing larger crowds than the last two years combined.

    So, if you want your booth to shine amongst the crowd, you need to ramp up your marketing game. This is where videos come into play. An attractive video displayed on your digital trade show displays can capture visitors' attention and get your message across. These displays are an excellent way to grab attention and get people interested in your brand, products, and services.

    In this guide, we’ll walk you through the top five video types that you can use at your next event to attract visitors to your trade show booth.

    1. Video Testimonials

    Never underestimate the power of an authentic customer review. According to a 2020 survey by BrightLocal, 79% of customers say that they trust online reviews as much as they trust a personal recommendation from a trusted friend.

    Testimonial videos are an excellent way to showcase the benefits customers receive by using your product or service. When potential customers watch others explain how they use your product, and what a difference it has made for them, your target audience will be more inclined to try out the product for themselves.

    Also, when walking through a trade show, if they see people like them using and speaking about your product, it’s likely they’ll be interested and check out what’s going on at your booth.

    2. Product Demonstration Videos

    A product demonstration video showcases how to use your product. This video highlights your product's key features and benefits and explains how the product works. Product demo videos also show examples of models (or real-life customers) using your product in their daily lives. The best product videos are crisp and highly engaging. They create more awareness about your products and services and they get trade show visitors to stop at your booth.

    3. Explainer Videos

    Unlike product videos, explainer videos are more detailed and give in-depth explanations regarding how to use your product. These videos can include frequently asked questions and customer interviews. Unlike product videos that have to be updated frequently, explainer videos are evergreen; they’re a long-term investment. You can make them a staple, along with your other trade show marketing materials like tabletop banner stands and fabric displays.

    4. Company Culture Videos

    These videos are super popular at trade shows as they give visitors a behind-the-scenes view of what goes on at your company. Company culture videos can be formal videos that explain your organization's mission statement and ethics, or you can make the video quirky, showing snippets of employees having fun at work. People love to do business with organizations that have a positive company culture. So, including a company culture video is an excellent way to make a good impression on trade show attendees.

    Trade show videos are great tools that can generate excitement, build curiosity, and educate prospects about your products and services. Use these four types of videos at your next industry event to attract your target audience and stand out from the crowd.

  • Physical Vs. Virtual Booths At Hybrid Trade Shows: Which Is The Smarter Choice?

    A hybrid trade show has a mix of both physical and virtual booths. These have gotten more popular because of the pandemic-induced restrictions on travel. Companies that are free from travel restrictions purchase physical booth space while global firms and those unwilling to travel exhibit using virtual booths and digital trade show displays.

    Any kind of business can use a virtual trade show display. If you prefer, you can skip the physical booth and exhibit virtually or vice versa; the choice is yours!

    So, which is better? Should you go the traditional route and rent a physical booth or should you exhibit virtually? Well, there are pros and cons to both approaches. In today's post, we highlight the pros and cons of physical and virtual exhibits so you can weigh all the factors and make an informed decision.

    The Pros And Cons Of Physical Exhibits At Hybrid Trade Shows


    • You can enjoy face-to-face interactions with event attendees. In-person networking is an integral part of trade shows; it is also an excellent way to generate leads and widen your reach. While virtual events also offer networking opportunities, they don’t generate the number of leads you generate at a physical booth.
    • You can enjoy a high level of engagement. Despite the advances in streaming and video technology, there is something charming about interacting with a real person who answers your questions and addresses your pain points.
    • You can impress your audience with a grand spectacle. A well-designed physical booth has the potential to be buzz-worthy. You can impress your target audience with a grand show by using high-quality trade show displays like retractable banner stands, tabletop pull-up banners, and floor displays.


    Attending a physical trade show is a lot of work. You've got to book the booth far in advance, and you have to pay a hefty fee to secure your space. You must plan the display materials as well, and you have to arrange booth staff's transportation and accommodations. Getting all this work done might become challenging, especially if you're traveling a long distance to attend the event.

    The Pros And Cons Of Using Virtual Booths At Hybrid Trade Shows

    Virtual booths are relatively new to the scene. Since digital technologies are popular today, it's possible for companies to attend trade shows virtually. Live streams, interactive digital webinars, and video marketing can give your company a presence at a trade show, even if you don't attend it in person.


    • Attending a trade show virtually is more budget-friendly as you don’t have to spend on travel and accommodations. However, a digital booth has to be decorated and marketed just like a regular booth. So, there’s the cost of the display and marketing materials to consider.
    • Virtual booths make it easy to attend trade shows in any corner of the planet. A company in Tokyo can exhibit in L.A. and vice versa. They’re great for expanding the global reach of your brand.


    One of the biggest drawbacks of a virtual booth is that you're reliant on technology. If your internet connection is spotty or your video files are in the wrong format, you're likely to have nothing but an empty booth with blank screens. So, stay on top of your technology and have a plan B in place to avoid any last-minute technical glitches.

    Which Is Better: Physical Or Virtual Booths?

    Why choose when you can have both. If budget isn't a constraint, you can rent physical and virtual booth spaces. Design your promotional and marketing materials so that your digital presence complements your physical booth and vice versa. If only one is possible, consider your goals and the potential benefits of both these options and choose the right strategy that best fits your business’ objectives.

  • Going Green: Use These Tips To Make An Eco-Friendly Trade Show Booth

    Looking for ways to reduce your carbon footprint and cut down on waste when you’re participating at a trade show? Use these awesome tips to go green and create a fabulous booth. You’ll be able to tell your customers you promote sustainability initiatives if you do.

    #1: Use Eco-friendly Banners

    When printing banners for your booth, consider using eco-friendly materials. Fabric and aluminum are great because they can be reused and recycled. You can use fabric trade show displays instead of plastic banners.

    #2: Reuse Trade Show Displays

    Instead of printing new displays and banners for each exhibition, you should consider reusing existing trade show displays. Invest in high-quality trade show display stands that’ll last a long time. On these displays, include your brand name, contact details, and other important information. If you do this, you can reuse these banners at other events.

    #3: Purchase LED Lighting

    You’ll need to invest in some high-quality lighting to make your trade show booth amazing. When choosing lighting for your booth, opt for LED bulbs that consume less energy when compared to traditional CFL and incandescent bulbs. Also, when choosing lighting, look for bulbs that have a higher star rating. The more stars there are, the more energy-saving the bulb is.

    #4: Invest In High-Quality Materials

    When you’re shopping for booth furniture, look for high-quality and sustainable materials. When you’re shopping for furniture, you need to keep longevity in mind. Purchase furniture that’ll last a long time. This way you get bang for your buck.

    #5: Go Digital

    Go green and give up the paper pamphlets. Most attendees don’t go through these anyways; they just toss them in the trash. These pamphlets are a massive waste of money and materials. Try digital pamphlets. Get attendees’ email addresses, and then you can send them digital pamphlets when this is convenient. This isn’t just an eco-friendly move; doing this will also turn more leads into sales. You can also invest in digital trade show displays; these will help you stand out at an event.

    #6: Be Prudent Before You Print

    Whenever it’s possible, try to cut down on how much you print. And when you print, make sure you print on recycled material, or use eco-friendly ink so you can boast a green factor. Eco-friendly ink is made from vegetables, which means producing it doesn’t harm the environment. You can produce some high-quality, vivid images if you print on eco-friendly materials.

    #7: Distribute Eco-Friendly Swag

    Swag can be found at every trade show. If you want to effectively promote your brand image and increase brand visibility, avoid plastic and invest in high-quality, sustainable swag. You can give out reusable stainless steel water bottles, bamboo pens, fabric tote bags, and notebooks that are made from recycled paper.

    Going green is not just good for the planet. You’ll also score brownie points with event attendees if you show you care about the planet. Customers today are focused on sustainability, and they appreciate businesses that care about sustainability. Think outside the box and figure out ways to minimize your carbon footprint the next time you participate at a trade show.

  • 3 Tips to Creating a COVID-Safe Trade Show Exhibit

    COVID-19 brought many parts of the United States to a screeching halt in 2020, but Americans have slowly returned to normality since then. Although no one knows if we’ll ever return to pre-pandemic normal, life moves forward. While we wait for a post-pandemic world, there are a few things businesses can do now to create a COVID-safe exhibit at trade shows.

    1. Focus on a Socially Distanced Booth Design

    You can create a welcoming environment with some ingenuity while maintaining social distance. Consider a less-is-more approach in terms of product display and booth staff. Use signage, digital trade show displays, and floor graphics to help guests navigate space within the booth. Guide visitors to walk through a designated entrance to create a one-way flow to ensure safety. Plus, you can also use trade show displays to create barriers for an added sense of protection. These displays can be integrated into the design using a wide range of materials, shapes, and colors that complement your brand. Use AV equipment for product presentations and create designated spaces for one-to-one interaction.


    2. Make Sure Your Staff Are COVID-Compliant

    Before addressing visitors, you must make your staff feel confident interacting with attendees. Everyone involved must have a clear understanding of what they need to accomplish and how they intend to meet these goals. Plan your strategy around staff requirements. For example, if digital interaction isn’t feasible, strategically place a hand sanitizer to allow attendees to stay safe and participate in demonstrations. If food giveaways are a part of the exhibit, they should be pre-packaged and sealed. Ensure staff is up to date on all safety measures by sending regular updates through a common communication channel. Ensure booth staff wear masks at all times, and encourage them to wash their hands frequently.


    3. Be Prepared for Event Disruptions in the Future

    The pandemic has brought about changes in the way companies do business. Executives and employees have needed to adapt to the situation quickly. Adapting has included digitizing their customer interactions, changing internal operations, and introducing digitally enabled products.


    These changes may not be temporary. Instead, the invaluable skills learned through the crisis can be used to future-proof the business. Executives should understand that not everyone will have the same comfort level while attending in-person events. They must look for out-of-the-box solutions to address these customers. Businesses must also look for ways to incorporate hybrid elements into future events.


    Call us at 877-389-8645 to buy retractable banner stands and other trade show displays at affordable prices.

  • 5 Reasons to Use Folding Panel Displays at Your Exhibitions

    Folding panel displays are widely used in trade shows and presentations when you want to show off vibrant graphics to your audience. They have a strong aesthetic effect and are versatile. Here are the top five reasons you should consider folding panel displays for your next exhibition booth.

    1. Makes an Eye-Catching Display

    Folding panels are typically used to create large-scale trade show displays with vibrant graphics and printing. They are often the first thing an audience or visitor notices about your booth. They can be utilized to provide visitors with important information about your brand and products even if they do not stop by your booth.

    2. Highly Customizable

    The panels are composed of high-quality materials that can showcase the graphics of your choice. You can also use panels to pin your printed materials or stick them with Velcro. If your booth is not in a corner or against a wall, you can even use dual-sided printing. The panels are made up of smaller panels, allowing you to customize them to fit your booth space. If your booth doesn’t have much space, you can also go for table top banners for a colorful display.

    3. Wider Options to Choose From

    Depending on your display area, you can design folding panels in different sizes. Whether you want a sizeable foldable panel display or a small table top panel display, there are various options available in size, configuration, and more. You can also get folding panels that can be set up in different sizes and shapes based on the booth size so that you can set up your display to suit the venue.

    4. Easy to Transport and Store

    Folding panels are made of several boards or panels that are to be affixed to a frame. They are easy to install and dismantle quickly. They come with an easy-to-carry bag for storage and transportation.

    5. Cost-Effective

    With all the options to choose from, folding panel displays are relatively inexpensive. They offer great visual impact for your advertising. They can be customized with any material and fabric for your next digital trade show display within your budget.

    Folding panel displays are attention-grabbers available in a range of designs and layouts. They are easy to assemble, transportable, lightweight, and long-lasting. Shop for fantastic configuration options and wow visitors at your next trade show with a fantastic folding panel display.

  • Why Should You Choose Portable Flag Stands to Advertise Your Brand?

    Flag stands offer great advertising of your brand with simple designs. Advertising on a flag stand is unique and still has the edge over modern digital trade show displays. Consider the below benefits of flag stands for your next advertising campaign.

    1. Cost-Effective

    Flag stands are relatively inexpensive and don’t require a lot of extra supplies to set them up. They can be customized with various fabric choices and come with dual-sided printing for maximum impact. They are ideal as trade show displays.

    2. Simple to Set It Up

    Flag stands are made of a base, pole, and printed fabric. All you have to do is slide the fabric down over the pole, and your banner is ready to go. You get display material with lightweight fabrics and pole materials to make transporting them easier. Plus, they don’t take up much room.

    3. Get Year-Round Advertising

    The higher the flag stands are, the more visible they are. This type of banner can interest more consumers. When strategically positioned outside a store or office, flag stand advertisements can be viewed by those passing by provide year-round exposure for your business and products. That can cause significant savings for your marketing team.

    4. Durable and Long-Lasting

    Flag stands can be used indoors and outdoors for trade shows, courtyards, festivals, events, and conferences. The use of high-quality fabric ensures the flag’s longevity. You can display a single flag stand or a series of flag stands to attract attention. If you use table top banners for your trade show booth, flag stands are an excellent choice for conferences.

    5. Easy to Design and Print

    With numerous options available in the fabric type and sizes, you can customize your flag stand to optimize your brand advertising. Whether you choose the feather banner, teardrop model, or the regular rectangular shape, they are available in various sizes and fabric types to fit your style and budget. You can get high-quality printing on your flags to display information.

  • 7 Benefits of Using a Pop Up Banner for Your Business

    Pop up banners are an essential accessory for trade shows and exhibitions. These versatile banners allow you to display your company logo and information that attract potential customers. They are dynamic, attractive, and can be conveniently transported anywhere. These portable pop up banners offer you these seven benefits for your business.

    1. Highly Customizable

    There are different types of banners like tension fabric, printed, digital, or vinyl. You can choose a pop up banner that suits your trade show display needs. Tension fabric displays allow you to custom-print your company logo and other information on them. Pop up banners can seamlessly fit your trade show display stands too. Unleash your creativity and create a banner that resonates with your company brand.

    Browse our great selection of customizable pop up banners for your next trade show display.

    2. Easy to Set Up

    Pop up banners are generally foldable and easy to set up. You only need to open the stand and fix the banner on it. Find the best quality trade show display stands online, and get them delivered to your business.

    3. Less Storage Space

    Pop up banners can be easily folded and rolled. You don’t need much storage space for these banners when they aren’t in use.

    4. Easy to Transport

    The banners are lightweight and compact and can travel with you to shows and exhibitions. You can carry them anywhere easily and set them up in minutes. They pair well with digital trade show displays at trade shows and exhibitions.

    5. Affordability

    Pop up banners come in various sizes and shapes. The printing material can also be chosen to suit your budget. You can even print on both sides for a low cost. These features make a pop up banner an affordable tool for your trade show displays.

    6. Offers Better Visibility

    Pop up banners can be customized according to your booth size and shape, offering better visibility to your brand name and logo. You can find banners starting from four feet and up to 20 feet that can be easily customized. Though brochures and fliers can give detailed information, a large pop up banner instantly attracts potential customers.

    Find the perfect banner for your upcoming trade show display with us!

    Longevity and Durability

    Pop up banners are created with high-quality fabric and material that last for a long time. If they are cared for properly, they can last many years with minimal wear and tear. Pop up banners give you full value for your money.

  • Top 7 Essential Items for a Trade Show

    Trade shows are a great way to promote your business, attract new customers, and expand your customer base. But they take some planning ahead of time to make the trade show display a success. Don’t forget these top seven essential items the next time you have a promotional event.

    1. Display Boards and Signs

    Your business name and logo should be prominently displayed at your booth. Display banners and boards are essential to show who you are. Select one that can communicate your company information clearly and concisely. Make optimal use of printing space and come up with unique designs and content to attract leads.

    Contact us for trade show display stands, tension fabric trade show display stands, and digital trade show displays as attractive additions to your trade show essentials.

    2. Digital Content

    You can use the booth space to display video content and images to inform the audience about your business. Videos and short clips are great at catching visitors’ attention. The content should be informative and engaging.

    3. Table Covers and Booth Décor

    Table clothes give your booth a professional look, but why not use them for content display? You can print simple information like your company logo and contact information on table clothes. Other décor like coffee mugs, water bottles, pens, and other stationery can also be customized to advertise your brand. You can even use table top banners. These are inexpensive and make for attractive trade show displays.

    4. Company Brochures and Fliers

    Company literature enables you to share your information with visitors who are quickly going through the booths. Business cards are another essential promotional item. You can invest in some simple holders to place them in strategic locations to catch the visitors’ attention.

    5. Giveaways and Swag

    Customized pens and coffee mugs are an integral part of trade shows. You can go a mile extra and give away free tote bags, so your brand logo can cover all the other free items! Mousepads have been a long-time favorite, but you can also consider customized USB drives. Find a giveaway item that resonates with your brand and company name.

    Choosing the right trade show display increases your chance of getting maximum leads for your business. Something as simple as a table top pull-up banner gives you ample opportunity to increase brand awareness.

    6. Business Card Collectors and Sign-Up Sheets

    A simple fishbowl can serve both as a great décor and a convenient business card collector. Visitors may find it easier to leave their business cards instead of writing down their names and contact details in a notepad. You can also have a simple sign-in sheet ready for customers with whom you strike a conversation.

    7. Utilities for the Booth

    Setting up a booth requires a few items like scissors, tapes, pins, staplers, extension cords, and chargers. Before the show, make sure you have everything you need to power and organize your trade show booth.

    You can set up an attractive trade show display like a pro with simple digital banners, table top banners, and more. Don’t forget to have food and water for those staffing your booth. Use the right color theme, font, and images to make your display attractive. Wear comfortable but professional clothing and shoes because you’ll be standing most of the time.

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