
  • 5 Reasons Why Banner Stands and Pop Up Stands are Worth Their Weight in Gold

    We all recognize the importance of visual media, which is why pictures are given priority over text in marketing. Did you know that the attention span of people has been reported as just a few seconds long in today’s digital marketing world? Additionally, while 65 percent of people learn best with visual learning, only 20 percent are auditory learners. If we were to discuss brands, people often remember a brand’s logo and other visuals better than its slogan or product.  Display banner stands are worth their weight in gold when it comes to showcasing products and services in an effective manner at trade shows, events, or store fronts.

    1. Associate brand names with images

    Most of us have been drawn towards a booth at exhibitions by the attractive images displayed on the booth, especially well-lit table top banner stands. When you see a banner stand that catches your attention, you feel drawn toward it to see what the company is all about.

    1. Exciting element of pop-up displays

    Making people remember your brand and product details after leaving an expo is not an easy task. You can achieve this by associating your brand with something interesting and exciting. We know this is easier said than done, but when you only have a few seconds to catch someone’s interest, pop-up table top displays with bright colors and engaging graphics can help achieve this effect.

    1. Flexible and eco-friendly

    Depending on your requirements, fabric trade show displays can be used as a backdrop or set up on a table to make an impressive display. Made of durable fabric, these can be used multiple times at different trade shows and expos without showing any wear and tear.

    1. Versatile and user friendly

    Whether it is a large public event or an invite-only indoor expo, you can make clever use of roll up banner stands to attract interest from customers, as they are versatile and easy to use in every situation.

    1. Durable and amenable

    Portable banner stands are the most popular display advertisement with both large and small brands. They are durable and do not damage easily. While they aren’t as quick to set up as retractable banners like Expolinc banner stands, they are cheap and affordable options for a sturdy and reliable display.

  • 5 Banner Stands to Use for Indoor Expos and Trade Shows

    Established brands with a superior range of products may have an edge over others, but the industry is always changing. Trade shows and conferences are an ideal platform for companies to showcase their products and services. Indoor expos, however, tend to get crowded. If you want people to notice your booth, here is a list of banner stands that you should be using.

    Tension fabric tabletop displays – With display areas restricted to small booths, you have to think outside the box to market your brand and make it stand out amongst the competition. Product launches can be done using the right combination of graphics and slogans displayed with tension fabric table top displays to engage customer attention interactively.

    Portable banner stands – Designed with transportation and convenience needs in mind, portable banner stands are generally sold with carrying bags, they can be easily stored without worrying about the material or text getting warped or crushed.

    Pull up banner stands –These require a relatively small storage area and are worth their weight in gold as they are both lightweight and compact. Some models are even robust enough to be used in all weather conditions. When dressed with colorful graphics and set up in a perfect location, pull up banner stands will grab attention of new and dedicated customers.

    Retractable banner stands –These banners may remind you of a window shade at home, but the only thing you need to do to get them up and running is pull them out of their base and set the support pole. This is ideal to keep people engaged if your team is busy working with other customers.

    Banner Walls – During indoor expos, a small wall is all that you may have to set up your display.  But if used well, you can still use that for maximum effect. For example, retractable banner stands of the same size can be joined together to form a large banner wall to create an effective display.

  • How to Use Banner Stands and Table Top Displays to Brand Your Business

    From creating viral videos and social media posts to typical old-school methods like press ads and direct mailing, there’s more than one way to breathe life into your brand’s identity. But sometimes, you are looking for the best way to brand your business at local events and tradeshows. Banner Stands and tabletop displays are perfect for this and they’re affordable, reusable, and easy to use.

    Why Use Banner Stands & Tabletop Displays for Branding

    Unlike posters or billboards, banner stands aren’t intended to be viewed from a distance – they are meant to be viewed up close and personal which is perfect for trade shows. You can add details like phone number or address, website, and social media information to make sure people who are interested have plenty of ways to contact you after the event. Remember to add just enough information that will leave them curious and create an initial interest to take a better look at what your business is offering.

    Tabletop displays aren’t just useful at exhibitions and trade shows. They can also be used as displays for your store’s merchandise. Use banner stands to showcase your corporate colors, message, products, and services.

    How To Use Banner Stands & Tabletop Displays for Branding

    The design and type of banner you will use depends on where you will be displaying them. For example, busy exhibitions and trade shows, it’s best to keep text to a minimum. If it’s going to be used in a museum, having a lot of text with details about the exhibit are an excellent idea. All banner stands should include a call to action, whether it’s a way for a person to contact your business or growing your social media audience, be sure you have a clear call to action to get the most benefit out of your banner stands.

    To present the best image of your business, always use high-quality images so that the printed picture isn’t blurred or pixilated. Use brand colors to enhance the appeal and most importantly, remember to check if the message you display is proof-read and shares the message you want as the first impression of your brand.

    Professional quality banner stands not only enhance the quality of the brand, but also the product or services associated with it. If you’re interested in purchasing a banner stand or tabletop display for your next event, contact us or call 1-877-389-8645  so we can find you the right price and style for your needs!

  • Ideas To Make Your Trade Show Banners Show Stoppers

    Trade shows are an essential part of product promotion, and with the introduction of modern technology, these shows have become even more popular. To attract the attention of casual onlookers and potential buyers to their booth showcasing products and services, marketers use a wide variety of display materials like fabric tradeshow displays and pop up backdrops around their stalls, along with tabletop banners and briefcase displays decorated on tables. According to marketing experts, display materials used in trade shows should be simple and clean with eye-catching content.

    Banner designers have many standard layouts that are proven to attract more attention. So, remember to choose the right design layout with high-resolution images to be displayed on your banner. Your slogan and logo with the right complementary colors can becomes the show stopper of the trade show and get a ton more eyes on your business.

    • Using the right colors

    While it makes sense to use a color palette that is close to your corporate image, the best results can be achieved with the use of contrasting colors. If you are using a medley of colors on opposite sides of the color spectrum try to use impactful tones that are effective instead of being overwhelming. For instance, fluorescent colors that are harsh on the eyes won’t get the reaction you hope for.

    • Selecting suitable graphics

    Simple and imaginative images with bold slogans are effective in creating memorable visuals for your trade show stall. Ensure that you invest in an effective banner design and create customized graphics that can be used across all your tradeshow banners. It may be tempting to get maximum value out of fabric tradeshow banners that are used in strategic locations around the venue by loading it with artwork, but multiple images can dilute the visual impact of the banner. As pictures and graphics speak more effectively than words, it is critical to use the right images on the banners.

    • Short and sweet

    When banners are designed for display at trade shows, their main function is to grab the attention of people walking into the exhibition and also of other participants at the trade show. Instead of complex long descriptive sentences, use simple bullet points that act like “call to action” buttons in encouraging viewers to approach the stall to learn more about your brand and products.

  • Why Display Banners Are a Great Way to Advertise

    Banner Stand Designs

    Use Display Banners to Advertise Your Business

    Effective advertising will provide brand awareness and visibility, build customer relationships, and create loyalty.

    Whether you are the owner of a big corporate brand or have a small business, you need exceptional advertising that inspires and engages potential customers. Your advertising plan must create innovative, captivating, and unique advertisements with an attractive design and an unmatched finish.

    Using engaging banner display stands, designed specifically for your target customers, will deliver maximum impact. They are effective and easy to use and will help you to deliver outstanding advertising.

    There are several ways a display banner can increase customer engagement, drive brand awareness, and uplift profits. We have listed reasons why they are perfect for promoting your business.


    Why Display Banners Are a Great Way to Advertise

    Promote clear message

    Effective banner stand displays make clear what they promote. Whether it is a service, a product, or a brand, a customer should know who the advertiser is. It does not make a difference how compelling your offer is; if customers do not know exactly who you are, the chance of them engaging and convert from your ad is small.

    Clear banner display stands include consistency across all text and every piece of the ad can stand on its own. Display banners should have concise content that sticks with the customers even if they only see the banner for a second.


    Stand out from the crowd

    Modern technology offers many ways to promote your business in the marketplace. However, people can ignore the ads on social media networks, but they can hardly ignore effective banners. When they are walking by your store, you want to grab their attention and make sure they know you exist. If you want to stand out from the crowd, banner stands are a perfect way to accomplish this!

    Banner display stands can attract more customers, making them feel welcome. Besides advertising your business at an event or trade show, banner stands inform, educate, and entertain the customers. They provide the exhibitors with a good resource to relay photographs, information, and products.

    Effective banners include a call to action (CTA) that is done with technology. Thus, if your social media presence is strong, you can simply add the social media icons on your banner to let the customers know they can access you through those particular channels.


    Look professional

    Display banners hold professional graphics, which support your message, giving your brand the needed professional look. They are the latest trend and the perfect way to excel at the next showroom. The high-resolution display brings your brand to life.

    You can choose any shape, size, and color for your banners to give the display a professional presence. You can easily create a professional appearance for your business by using the white space in the banner effectively. In this way, you create a clean feel, giving your banners a professional expression.

    Banner Stand Designs

    The white space offers readability to the customers and it expresses a feeling of professionalism.  White creates an illusion of a larger space, making the banner stand seem larger than it actually is. This is a chance to engage closely with your prospect while bringing your brand to life.


    Easily target the intended audience

    Display banner stands do not require much space and fit in tight areas. They are made up of lightweight material, thus they are portable and can be easily assembled, making them perfect for traveling. They are flexible, durable, and you can use them for multiple campaigns, proving to be cost-effective.

    All this makes it easy to target your audience if you know them. You just need to be strategic. Choose the place where your intended audience spends time and make your business visible to them. Banner stands allow you to have lengthy brand promotions that can be easily customized to meet your target audience’s needs.


    Make a good first impression

    Your reception area or office lobby is the first impression for your customers, thus it should be welcoming, relaxing, and visually interesting. Display banners are a great approach to anyone who walks into your business. You can use your banner stand as branding opportunity or a welcome sign in your lobby to make a good first impression.

    Banner stands bring color and structure to the lobby. They function as a visual anchor, naturally drawing customers and visitors in your showroom to get more information about your service or product. Display banners provide great graphics and will present your message loud and clear.

    Additionally, you can use double sided banner stands for greater exposure. Two-sided display banners are a brilliant marketing tool because you can create a bold statement on one side, and on the other side, you can give an explanation or other information. If you use bold statement or a question, you will evoke curiosity from your customers, thus more engagement.


    Easily attract attention

    Whether you are on mobile corporate presentations, sales presentations, trade shows, or exhibitions, the banner displays will make a seamless graphic display. They will attract the attention of onlookers with its eye-catching graphics images which are easily noticeable by the passersby.

    However, nowadays you are competing for the visitors’ attention against many other display banners, so you should put effort into creating an attractive campaign. Here is what you should do to create a successful campaign:


    Share an innovative message

    Think what will grab the attention of your visitors and come up with the ideal message for your business needs. Also, you must be concise. Include headings and subheadings in your text and clear language that visitors can easily comprehend.


    Use the space well

    Less is more. Do not overload the message and confuse the visitor. It is important to know how to adapt the crucial information to make a brief, but powerful message.


    Make your banner display stand interactive

    Incorporate elements that will engage the visitors and will make them interact with your ad. Additionally, use attractive images that have a look and feel that matches your brand.


    Use humor

    Using humor works well in attracting the attention of the visitors. If you come up with a funny phrase, you will get their attention and they will definitely remember you.


    Try giving banner stands a shot! Whether you’re looking for a display at your next trade show event or want a banner stand to display in front of your store, banner stands can help you find what you need!

  • 3 Reasons You Should Invest In Banner Bug Banner Stands

    When used effectively, banner stands and trade show displays can be useful marketing tools to increase traffic and encourage conversions. The trick is to use the right trade show displays so that they enhance your business’ image and help you generate leads. If you are looking for quality banner stands, try the Banner Bug range of products. Here are a few reasons why we think they are worth your money:

    • Banner Bug Banner Stands Are Built To Last:

    The best thing about these stands is that they are built to last. Unlike other commonly available brands that often give way to wear and tear within as much as a year, Banner Bug banners maintain a delicate balance between stability and portability. These banners are strong yet light enough to be carried around. The problem with lightweight banners is that they often use cheap quality materials to make the base of the roll-up banner and light plastics for the frame. Once these parts break down, the banner is practically rendered useless.

    • Banner Bug Offers Banner Stands At Every Size:

    Whether you are looking for pull-up banners for table top use or a portable banner wall that can be carried across events, Banner Bug has a product to match all your requirement. No other manufacturer covers such a wide range of sizes up to 8' wide in a retractable banner stand.

    • Banner Bug Offers A Lifetime Warranty:

    These banner stands are made to last, so they are covered by a lifetime warranty on parts and labor. Should a Banner Bug stand ever fail in normal use, just contact us to arrange for repair or replacement.

    Are you looking for the Banner Bug range of banner stands and other trade show displays? Contact us!

  • How To Increase Trade Show Leads

    Trade shows are a perfect opportunity to build brand recognition and enhance distribution channels. But the prime motive behind trade show participation is lead generation. This isn’t as simple as standing behind booths and handing out samples or brochures to people. There’s a lot of work that goes into putting up a successful show. Some of the things to remember while preparing include:

    • Create A Powerful Communication Strategy:

    Companies that have successfully leveraged trade show marketing often give a lot of importance to creating a communications strategy that resonates with their targeted customers. Assess your strengths, identify your goals, and then develop a message that you want to send out to your clients. Some of the key factors that trade show participants are looking for could include, competitor pricing, cost saving, product range, and experienced staff.

    • Pick The Best Brand Representatives:

    From the quality of your banner stands to the experience of your staff, participants are judging you on many factors. You don’t want to send the wrong signals by picking up people who do not have in-depth knowledge of your product or service. More often than not, companies make the mistake of sending their marketing team without making sure if they have sufficient product depth. Pick a team of people who not only have sufficient product knowledge but are also confident enough to strike-up a conversation with people.

    • Do Not Skimp on Trade Show Displays:

    At trade shows, you aim to get the right kind of attention. Poor-quality trade show displays certainly do not offer that! While you don’t have to go for a flashy booth, remember to pick products that display your messages clearly and look professional.

    Are you looking for trade show displays? Call us for a quick quote!

  • 4 Tips To Help You Choose The Right Banner Stand

    Banner stands are a great way to promote your business, not only during tradeshows and outdoor events but also at shopping malls and retail outlets. However, not all banner stands are made alike; some are suited for certain purposes while some aren’t. If you do not have a clear understanding of the different options, here’s a simple guide to help you pick the right product.

    • Buy a banner stand that’s sturdy and strong:

    There are plenty of Chinese products flooding the market. These are cheap for sure, but we cannot vouch for their quality. If you’re looking for quality and versatility, we wouldn’t advise buying them. Most banner stands are used for outdoor events; hence, buy products that are likely to withstand the elements. Custom designing these trade show displays isn’t an easy task – you will have to work with the designing team to include the logo, brand message, etc. With so much effort to put in, wouldn’t you want your display to last a long time?

    • Pick the right size:

    Before you buy banner stands or any other trade show display, make sure that you are aware of the size and space dimensions. This helps you buy signage that fits well in the space you have and provides optimum exposure. If the banner stand is too small, people will fail to notice you. And if it’s too big, you’ll have less space for customers and other elements of your overall display.

    • Work with the design team:

    At Trade Show Display Pros, our in-house graphics team can help you design your banner stand to make your display stand out from the crowd. If you don't have the ability to do your own design, this is a great option. A catchy display is sure to impress potential customers and increase your chances of achieving your marketing goals.

    • Speak to the customer service team:

    Different banner stands serve a different purpose. For example, a retractable banner stand is commonly used for tradeshows and exhibitions because they are easy to set up and take down. Portable banner stands, on the other hand, are often combined to create banner walls. They’re also perfect for people looking for affordable options.

    If you’re looking for banner stands, shop for them at Trade Show Display Pros. We offer a huge selection of trade show displays in every size, style, and design!

  • 3 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Canopy Tent

    While banner stands and fabric displays are commonly used trade show display products, people rarely buy canopy tents. Marketers often ignore the many ways you can use a canopy tent to promote your product or service at events and trade shows. We list three ways you can make the most of your investment.

    • Branded canopies are perfect for maximizing your presence at outdoor events:

    If you’re looking for a quick way to promote your brand or product at an outdoor event, try using a custom printed canopy tent. If it is a fun event, you could gift them to stall owners to sell food or drinks. And if it is an exhibition, use these tents to direct people towards your stall. Tents are commonly sold in neutral colors like white, gray, etc. Custom printing them with your logo, color, etc. ensures better visibility and easy recognition. An eye-catching tent is a sure way to get people to notice your brand and company.

    • Canopy tents can be used to set up at a quick shop:

    Are you setting up shop at the farmer’s market or the local Sunday market? Use these canopy tents to set up shop quickly and sell products. Some of our products can be customized to create a store like feeling, in which you can arrange chairs and tables and have better control over lighting under the tent. The walls can be used to hang displays or pin marketing material.

    • Use canopy tents to offer protection from the sun or rain:

    If the trade show or event is going to be held on a sunny day, put up a tent with your brand message and logo, and welcome people to take shelter. You could also arrange for free drinking water as well. It ensures people know about your business and even make inquiries about your product or service.

    Are you looking for canopy tents and other related trade show displays? Contact us!

  • Why are Tension Fabric Displays So Popular?

    Tension fabric displays may be new to the world of banner displays, but their versatility has already made them popular across the world for advertising products, events, services and lots more. While content and design plays a large role in making a banner stand effective, the material on which it has been displayed also has an impact as it should justify the investment. To understand why these tension fabric trade show displays are so popular one has to understand the advantages it provides when compared to traditional materials like vinyl and film.

    Lightweight and versatile

    Tension fabric displays are increasingly being used during trade show displays as they are easy to carry around and set-up. They are available in both traditional flat form and “pillowcase”  styles that makes the display look modern and eye-catching.

    Customized content

    Fabric trade show displays are easy to customize to suit your sense of aesthetics and vision. Depending on the response of visitors that have come to your booth during a trade show and commented on their view of your organization, the displays can be changed to make it more interesting with panoramic photographs and colorful graphics. Large, seamless graphics are easy to create with a tension fabric display where they would have to be split into panels with traditional materials or they would be too large to ship.

    Easy to arrange and durable

    Tension fabrics are now used for many styles of banner stands as well as pop up frames, truss displays, tube frame displays and on a wide variety of mediums for advertisement purposes as they are lighter than traditional displays and the graphic can be folded for storage. This makes them easy to carry around during shows, and easy to pack once the show is over. Fabric graphics are durable and can even be washed if they get dirty.

    Appealing and economic

    Tension fabrics displays have a clean and stylish look which distinguishes them from traditional displays which sometimes leave seams and wrinkles across graphics. Rich, colorful displays that bring graphics alive are very appealing and do wonders for brand image during exhibitions and tradeshows. Tension fabric trade show displays are cost effective too as they offer several fabric varieties that can be used to create banner displays to fit within almost any budget.

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